Nanotechnology engineering (also known as Nanoengineering) is an emerging field of engineering which is expected to have strong future development. Nanotechnology engineering is the engineering discipline focused on the study, development and refinement of materials at nanoscale.
A nanotechnology engineer works around the tiniest, most amazing fragments of science. From storing and changing things on the cellular level, to developing new, miniature pieces of electronics, nanotechnology engineers are pick of the litter, possessing an acute attention to detail and a strong passion to make things better.
What is Nanotechnology Engineering?

Nanotechnology engineering is a division of engineering that deals with all aspects of the design, building, and utilization of engines, machines, and structures on very small scale. Nanoengineering derives its name from the unit of measurement, nanometer, which equals one billionth (i.e., 10^-9) of a meter.
Nanotechnology engineers use the principles from biology, chemistry, electronics, and quantum physics to design and develop materials, machines and solutions that can be measured in billionths of a meter, far too small to see with the naked eye. A man-made product that can’t be seen by naked eyes— smaller even than a bacterium — might not seem like it would be significant or strong enough to make any difference in the real world.
However, all materials at nanoscale level are that small or even smaller, for example the diameter of a strand of DNA is less than 3 nanometers. Thus, nanomaterials positioned in masses can have a significant impact. A wide range of products, from swimming suits to antiseptic bandages, incorporate nanomaterials. Nanotechnology engineers direct the manufacturing of these nanomaterials via multiple methods for instance electron beam lithography and micromachining.
A nanotechnology engineer pursues to learn new concepts that can revolutionize the face of health, science, technology, and the environment on a molecular level. They take advanced supplies and materials and turn them into something new and thrilling. They may attempt to make a once heavyweight invention work better while weighing less, making the object far more efficient.
Nanotechnology engineers that work with nanoelectronics will develop tiny, more efficient chips, cards, and even smaller computer parts to develop products that can do as much as existing bigger products without so much electronic waste. They may also form new and improved ways of monitoring and improving the environment by creating innovative solutions to test for contaminants and pollutants in the air, ground, and water.
Nanotechnology Engineering Facts and Statistics

According to The European Commission, the worldwide investment in nanotechnology is estimated to be close to a quarter of a trillion USD, with both China and the USA investing upwards of USD 2 billion. With so much attention and investment it is understandable that the field of nanotechnology engineering is continuing its growth.
Nanotechnology engineering jobs are in high demand as the Mean Entry-Level salary for nanotechnology engineer is $51,000 (according to Glassdoor) and the Mean Annual salary is $ $ $96,980 and the Top 10 Percent salary is over $100,000 per year.
What skills do nanotechnology engineers need?

Nanotechnology engineers must have strong analytical skills so that they can review data related to their research and the effectiveness of products they develop. They also need critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop strategies to alter designs to improve the performance of their tiny products.
Nanoengineering Applications, Possibilities and The Future

As nanoengineer, you’ll be employable in many different sectors, including environment and sustainability, medical, mining and energy, semiconductor and electronics, and agriculture and food, to name just a few.
Nanobots are a concept for now and do not exist yet, but when they do, futurists expect possible applications for nanorobots will include molecular manufacturing (nanofactories) and medical nanobots that navigate autonomously through your blood stream making repairs and protecting against infections.
Nanotech can be found in sport kits, cosmetics, sunscreens, clothing and many other consumer products of everyday. Ready or not, here it comes. In the upcoming years, nano-technology will touch almost every aspect of life and make it better.
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