In engineering, it all begins with ‘Why’, ‘Why not’, ‘How this works’, ‘If this’, ‘Imagine if’… ...

Nowadays, Wi-Fi signals are everywhere. Every device that emits Wi-Fi signals also emits a kind of ...

Modern technology has radically transformed nearly every industry, and architecture is no exception. The steady stream ...

The oil & gas (O&G) industry is perhaps, more than any other, subjected to rapidly evolving ...

Microgird is not a new concept but it has become more popular since people recognized the ...

Our team at Engineering Passion has researched solar design software tools that are both free ...

You must have heard of microcontroller boards even if you are new to programming and ...

Rest time! Why not watch an inspiring engineering movie or a documentary? Sounds great, doesn’t ...

National Space Day is an annual event celebrated every year in order to commemorate space ...

There are many different types of engineers, each with their own area of expertise. But ...

The civil engineering and construction industry is an ever-evolving field, and the innovations that are ...

Becoming a professional engineer is no easy task. There are many different types of engineering ...

So you want to become an electrical engineer? It’s a great choice – but is ...

Engineering has had a significant role in influencing the way the world works. In many ...